Saturday, April 27, 2013

Class of 2013

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Sister Ink Community

    Join the Community of

with Rebecca Seitz
for  scrapbook  lovers

Humor Her for Mother's Day

When Did Caesar Become a Salad and Jeremiah a Bullfrog?: 100 Clever, Funny, and Insightful Lessons for Life Click here                       Gettin' Old Ain't for Wimps: Inspirations and Stories to Warm Your Heart and Tickle Your Funny Bone Click here
100 Clever, Funny, and Insightful Lessons for Life 
                                               Inspirations and Stories to Warm Your Heart
         and Tickle Your Funny Bone 
Divided into chapters on letting go, giving, learning, the lighter side, across the generations, overcoming obstacles, perspective, believing, living your dream, reminiscing and ageless wisdom, this book celebrates the myriad joys of living and the wisdom that comes from having lived. Readers at every stage of life will turn to this book again and again for the timeless wisdom that will help them live their lives to the fullest.
Robin'Spiritual Nest 
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You have access to the Nest

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Angel Wings by Paj for Mom

"For a period of about forty years He put up with them in the wilderness.”
(Acts 13:18 (New American Standard Bible) NASB))
In Greek “put up with” most likely means to patiently provide for people’s needs despite an ungrateful response.
Some people may not react favorably to our efforts to show care and concern. When this happens, it may help to remember that God is patient with us. And He has given us His Spirit to help us respond with love to those who are hard to love or who are ungrateful. – April 25, 2013 Our Daily Bread.
How long has your Momma had to put up with you?

Give her, her wings now

She deserves the best
from Robin’Spiritual Nest.

Aging With Attitude

The Golden Years are Truly Priceless

Truly hilarious original drawings of old folks storming into their golden years, with appropriate captions, will bring laughter to anyone's life. No matter what your age, you'll get a kick out of a generation that knows better,
but couldn't care less!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Special Moments with Scripture Tea

“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother”
– Abraham Lincoln.
Mothers are very much like angels. They protect us and guide us through life. They are a constant example for their children. So that one day, their children may grow into adults that will make not only them proud, but God proud. A Mother’s unconditional love, protection, and sacrifice for her children is beyond remarkable.

A mother’s guidance is often a lighted path for her children. It is the perfect example of the scripture: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NKJV Mother’s acts of love, let others see God’s good works.

For those who have lost their Mothers, Mother’s Day can be painful. The emotions you had towards her, during her life, do not go away. The relationship does not end, because the love does not stop. Love never dies. “No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.” 1 Corinthians 13:3-7. So remember the love and beautiful memories you had with your Mother on this day.

Perhaps, you have someone who became a Mother figure in your life that you would like to take the time to recognize. Whatever the case, this day should be filled with love and beautiful memories.
Any time I leave my Mother’s house or leave to go on a trip; there is one scripture my Mother always says to me: “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalms 91:11. Well Mom you are one of the angels God has given me. I love you and appreciate your guidance and love.

Take a moment to tell your Mother how much she means to you, not just today but every chance you can. They deserve it!
Raspberry Tea -81379              CLICK HERE                            American Hero Tea - 4882341
From Robin'Spiritual Nest and Scripture Tea, to all the Mothers out there, have a very Happy
Mother’s Day! Keep those lights shining, so that we may follow God’s path.
The Nest and Scripture Tea Family
R. Dina Jenkins Robin'Spiritual Nest, LLC
The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Waking the Dead will help us all find the life Christ promised.


Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." That's the offer of Christianity, from God himself.

Just look at what happens when people are touched by Jesus--the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life. In other words, to be touched by God is to be restored.

To become all God meant you to be. That is what Christianity is supposed to do for you--make you whole, set you free, bring you fully alive.
But Jesus also warned that the path to that life is narrow and few people would find it. You'll notice few have.

Waking the Dead will help you find that life, see the fierce battle over your heart, and embrace all that God has for you.

There is so much more. Do you want it?

Find it at the Nest -

If you have access to the Internet ~ You have access to the Nest

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What's Goin On...

Is the current economic and political crisis actually prophesied in the Bible? 

 Whats going on - 90149

If so, what are we to do about it? It is hard to piece together all this information in a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what the end times will look like. That’s why so many theories abound. And that’s why Dr. David Jeremiah has written What In the World Is Going On? A unique book that cuts through the hundreds of books and numerous theories to identify the essential 10 most important bible prophecies. There is no other book like this. You’ll find it the ultimate study tool for understanding the future. You’ll have a greater sense of comfort that, even in these crazy times, God is indeed in control. If bible prophecy as always been a mystery to you, Dr. Jeremiah’s book will help you solve the mystery. At last, bible prophecy can make sense, and make a difference. It’s never been more important.
What In the World Is Going On? is shocking and eye-opening but essential reading in these turbulent days.
Brings bible prophecy to light on:

 - The oil crisis

- The resurgence of Russia
- The new axis of evil
- The importance of Israel
-The new powers of the European Union

Identifies ten modern day events that can be interpreted using passages from such books of the Bible as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Matthew, and Revelation as signs of the end of Earth's history.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Warm Your Spirit with Scripture Tea

Products that warm your spirit and inspire your heart


Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Apricot, plum white, green, raspberry, winter delight, apricot, apple cobbler, apple pie and Blackberry Tea.

CLICK HERE to place your order today!

Tax Time Stressing You Out?

Tax time can be overwhelming and just plain stressful for many. Maybe you were not expecting to owe money, and you do. Perhaps, you wanted to use your refund to pay down some debt and you did not get back as much as you were expecting. Or maybe you are one of the lucky ones who did get a nice refund back but you do not know what to do with the money. What ever the outcome, it all comes down to money. Money is one of the main stressors on our families and lives. So I ask that you remember this month's scripture: "Be anxious for nothing... let your requests be known to God. Philippians 4:6 NIV." This was my scripture on my tea tag this morning and it could not have come at a better time. This is why Scripture Tea is so special. I was feeling stressed and did not know what the right answer was, and then I read this scripture. So I immediately started to pray and let God know my stress about meeting my financial goals. I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Not only is tea soothing and a good stress reliever, but our tea warms your soul. Do not let financial burdens or taxes get you stressed. Talk to God and let him direct your path. Everything will work out in the end if you just trust God. So join me in raising your tea cups and toasting making it through another tax season! -The Scripture Tea Family

Find your bag at the Nest!
Get 6 boxes of 20 Scripture Tea Bags!

Listening and Doing

Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed –
James 1:14
We are surrounded by unseen dangers. The toxic realities of temptation and the weaknesses of our own frailty endangers our lives. These hidden dangers are inside of us.
We have a natural tendency to sin compounded by blind spots that prevent us from seeing our own weaknesses, which can lead to choices that ruin us. Our Daily Bread, Bill Crowder, April 6, 2013.
James 1:23-25 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 
James MacDonald
Item No. 83265
Lord Change my Attitude - 83265
click on link below

A bestseller since 2001,"Lord, Change My Attitude Before It's Too Late" is a classic by James MacDonald: bold, practical, and communicated in a way designed to set readers free from the negativity that erodes happiness.
This new revision now includes study application questions in each chapter to help readers identify the attitudes of the heart that need change in order for God's abundance to flow.
While patterns of thinking won't always change overnight, Pastor MacDonald shows readers how to begin to recognize wrong attitudes and work on replacing them with the right ones.

James MacDonald takes 5 different negative attitudes and shows how we should replace those with a better attitude. Here are the book's contents:

·Replace a Complaining Attitude (With a Thankful Attitude)

·Replace a Covetous Attitude (With an Attitude of Contentment)

·Replace a Critical Attitude (With an Attitude of Love)

·Replacing a Doubting Attitude (With an Attitude of Faith)
·Replacing a Rebellious Attitude (With an Attitude of Submission)
Get your copy today while it's still in stock at
Robin’Spiritual Nest

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Bible: The Epic Miniseries DVD

From Executive Producers Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and Mark Burnett (The Voice, Survivor) comes The Bible — an epic 10-part miniseries retelling stories from the Scriptures for a whole new generation. Breathtaking in scope and scale, The Bible showcases powerful performances and visual effects that span Genesis to Revelation. The Bible feature score by Oscar and Grammy winning film composer Hans Zimmer and it's narrated by Emmy winning Keith David. Rated PG. Widescreen. Closed captions. 4 DVDs, approx. 7.5 hours.

DVD Features:
  • The Bible: Genesis
  • The Cast of The Bible
  • The Bible: Creation
  • Scoring The Bible
  • Believing in Miracles
  • The Bible: Visual Effects
  • "Mary, Did You Know?" Music Video
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Verdict

After living what I felt was a 'decent' life, my time on earth came to the end.
The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of what I thought to be a court house. The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the defense table.

As I looked around I saw the 'prosecutor'. He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen. I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney, a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to me, I felt I knew Him.

The corner door opened and there appeared the Judge in full flowing robes. He commanded an awesome presence as He moved across the room. I couldn't take my eyes off of Him. As He took His seat behind the bench, He said, 'Let us begin.'

The prosecutor rose and said, 'My name is Satan and I am here to show you why this man belongs in hell.'

He proceeded to tell of lies that I told, things that I stole, and In the past when I cheated others. Satan told of other horrible perversions that were once in my life, and the more he spoke, the further down in my seat I sank.

 I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at anyone, even my own Attorney, as the Devil told of sins that even I had completely forgotten about.
As upset as I was at Satan for telling all these things about me, I was equally upset at My Attorney who sat there silently not offering any form of defense at all. I know I had been guilty of those things, but I had done some good in my life - couldn't that at least equal out part of the harm I'd done?

Satan finished with a fury and said, 'This man belongs in hell, he is guilty of all that I have charged and there is not a person who can prove otherwise.'

When it was His turn, My Attorney first asked if He might approach the bench. The Judge allowed this over the strong objection of Satan, and beckoned Him to come forward. As He got up and started walking, I was able to see Him in His full splendor and majesty.

I realized why He seemed so familiar; this was Jesus representing me, my Lord and my Savior. He stopped at the bench and softly said to the Judge, 'HI, DAD,' and then He turned to address the court. 'Satan was correct in saying that this man had sinned, I won't deny any of these allegations. And, yes, the wage of sin is death, and this man deserves to be punished.'
Jesus took a deep breath and turned to His Father with outstretched arms and proclaimed, 'However, I died on the cross so that this person might have eternal life and he has accepted Me as his Savior, so he is Mine.'

 My Lord continued with, 'His name is written in the Book of Life, and no one can snatch him from Me. Satan still does not understand yet. This man is not to be given justice, but rather mercy.'
As Jesus sat down, He quietly paused, looked at His Father and said, 'There is nothing else that needs to be done. I've done it all..'

The Judge lifted His mighty hand and slammed the gavel down. The following words bellowed from His lips.....

'This man is free. The penalty for him has already been paid in full. Case dismissed.'
I asked Jesus as He gave me my instructions where to go next, 'Have you ever lost a case?' Christ lovingly smiled and said, 'Everyone that has come to Me and asked Me to represent them has received the same verdict as you, ~Paid In Full.'
'Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!
Where Will You Spend Eternity? Item No. 549149
Jews, Gentiles, Atheists, Believers and Non-believers The Bible prophecies are being fulfilled The world is in worse evil chaos than in the days of Noah. Did the 7 year tribulation period start October 22, 2006? Your only hope is in the Messiah our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved." Acts 16:31 Where will you spend eternity? Only one runway to heaven to meet the Lord Jesus in the air. You must be born again of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God. All have sinned and need the Savior Lord Jesus. Repent from your sins and get your reservation in heaven? Christians build character through suffering by faith in Christ. The devil, the father of lies, deceives and blinds non-believers. No party in hell. The lake of eternal fire will be a hell of a place. Before you commit suicide try Jesus. Experience true love, hope and joy forever. 
If you have access to the internet-you have access to the Nest

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Nest

Robin'Spiritual Nest
Created and Designed to Nourish Your Spiritual Mind. 
If you have access to the internet - you have access to the Nest
The Nest carries a wide variety of Christian products
See what, This, That and the Other is all about at The Nest has something special for that special occasion or special someone when you check out the Nests' Specialty Items at Tell me what you think and leave a comment when your Bloggin at the Nest.
Come, explore the Nest and you will find a variety of Christian items to satisfy your soul.
Delight your souls senses and Edify your mind by clicking on the Books & Bible link. Spend quality time with your friends and family while playing games found in our Entertainment section and/or exalt His Holy Name and give God the praise while listening to your favorite CD or viewing your favorite DVD

Strengthen and protect your God given temple from the inside out by visiting the Fashion and Jewelry Department and the Beauty & Health section where you can enhance your beauty and/or show a friend or a loved one how much you love them.

Go ahead and serve up a Gourmet meal on divine ware found in the Kitchen & Gourmet department.

Decorate your home with something in our Art Gallery to uplift your spirit and if you are looking for an unique present you will surely find it in the Home Décor & Gift link, because we have something for everyone.

The Specialty Stores has items such as church supplies, software and Christmas Items.

The Nest also has available Spanish books and Products
Secase la hierba, marchitase la flor,
mas la palabra del Dios nuestro permanence para siempre.
(Isaias 40:8)
See what THIS,  THAT and the OTHER is about at

The Scent of a Rose

The Rose of Sodom-112987Get your copy now at the Nest while supplies last!

Every Friday night my husband and I hang out in Fells Point because this is what we enjoy doing for our date night. We love to hang out on the boardwalk because the atmosphere is wonderful and we enjoy the water as well as the people. During the course of the evening, a rose peddler interrupted our date temporarily to persuade my husband to buy a me a rose. My husband, not wanting to disappoint the peddler, complied and purchased three beautiful long stemmed red velvet roses. I was pleasantly surprised and instantly delighted.

The scent of the roses were very potent and heady. Not only were they beautiful to behold but the scent alone quickly changed and charged the atmosphere. I began to look at the roses symbolically and I was suddenly reminded of the trinity, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I didn’t share that revelation with my husband but I did reveal to him that ironically I suddenly remembered that I was actually carrying a one-quarter ounce bottle of ‘Rose of Sharon” anointing oil. We proceeded to anoint ourselves with the Rose of Sharon anointing oil and became saturated with the scent of Roses. OMG the feeling was indescribable. I never realized that the scent of a rose could be so euphoric.

As we were bathing in the essence of the Roses I was reminded of The Song of Solomon 2:1 that says “I am the Rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valley.” I found out that the Sharon was a plain, a level tract extending from the Mediterranean to the hill country to the west of Jerusalem. This plain called Sharon was celebrated for its beauty and fertility. The rose that is spoken of is actually being celebrated in Song of Solomon because the flower is being described as the beauty of a young woman.

I did a little research and found out that a red rose is the external symbol of love. Love, desire and passion are closely associated with the red rose. The meaning of the rose must be true because the experience left us feeling alive and one with God. If you are ever feeling alone and depressed take a whiff of a red rose and it will turn your world upside right!

This experience reminded me of another scripture that rings true today, when the Lord said "I will never leave you nor forsake you"-Hebrews 13:5. In the midst of every evil and ugly thing that is happening in these last days, God is still forever present. I believe that He is the Rose of Sharon. He wanted my husband and I to know that He still loves us, and I mean ALL OF US!

Visit Robin’Spiritual Nest at and purchase your own bottle of the Rose of Sharon anointing oil and tell me about your experience.

Here is the link:

Do you think that the Rose of Sharon is a symbol for Jesus? Send me your comments by responding to this blog or blog me at and let me know. Let’s talk about the Scent of a Rose. 


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